Dear Vle's, Whose PAN and Aadhar was not linked as per the Q2 and Q3 TDS deductions. Please link PAN and Aadhar without fail by this month end, otherwise TDS will be deducted @ 20% from the current month's Commission and will remit to IT Dept. IT Dept., gave an option for PANs linked to Aadhar on or before 31.05.2024.

Important & Top Priority

Dear VLEs / Franchisees Please note that as per the UIDAI letters Click here to Download UIDAI circular, all the existing fingerprint L0 RD will be discontinued by 30.06.2024 and thereafter only fingerprint L1 RD will be allowed to perform Aadhaar Based Authentications. Therefore, all VLEs / Franchisees are requested to procure fingerprint L1 RD for use in their authentication ecosystem.